Workwear Data

Up-to-date prices and product data in your own webshop.
With the workwear data subscription, you receive up-to-date and detailed product information for your webshop. Regardless of whether you already have your own webshop or are having one created, it is important to fill it with up-to-date data. With our data subscription, you get access to the same extensive product information that we use in our workwear webshops.

Choose the suppliers you want.
Blåkläder, Tricorp, Mascot International, New Wave and many more. We have article data from more than 50 leading workwear suppliers. Add them to your data feed with a simple click.


147 p.m.

Choice of up to 10 suppliers.

Request a demo


247 p.m.

Unlimited number of suppliers.

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